Continuing on its record breaking run, Shah Rukh Khan and Deepika Padukone starrer Chennai Express has breached the 200 crore (gross collection) milestone at the end of its second week. The movie raked in Rs 43.91 crore in its second week at the back of a first week collection of Rs 156.7 crore.
The movie, released on 9 August, drew in record breaking first day gross collections of Rs 33.92 crore and went on to become the fastest 100 crore movie, making the moolah in just four days. It received the widest release ever in Bollywood with 3800 screens in India and 750+ screens overseas.
Chennai Express continued its run into the second week despite the release of Balaji Motion Pictures Limited's Once Upon a Time in Mumbai Dobaraa on 15 August. The film with Akshay Kumar in the lead is a sequel to Ajay Devgn and Emran Hashmi starrer Once Upon a Time in Mumbai which has impressed the critics and set the box office registers ringing. The second installment of the franchise however met disappointing fate with collection never really taking off after a limited release on 15 August and not so positive word of mouth.
The movie, released on 9 August, drew in record breaking first day gross collections of Rs 33.92 crore and went on to become the fastest 100 crore movie, making the moolah in just four days. It received the widest release ever in Bollywood with 3800 screens in India and 750+ screens overseas.
Chennai Express continued its run into the second week despite the release of Balaji Motion Pictures Limited's Once Upon a Time in Mumbai Dobaraa on 15 August. The film with Akshay Kumar in the lead is a sequel to Ajay Devgn and Emran Hashmi starrer Once Upon a Time in Mumbai which has impressed the critics and set the box office registers ringing. The second installment of the franchise however met disappointing fate with collection never really taking off after a limited release on 15 August and not so positive word of mouth.
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